Member Chiropractors Association of Australia


My Scientific writing

“For the clinician, evidence that is without productive, practical clinical application is essentially irrelevant, since translation into practice to improve practice, is the significance the clinician ascribes to evidence. Thus, in effect, theory is the knowledge; clinical practice is the ability to apply that knowledge to help people. Theory without practice is of little value since practice is the proof of theory”.

—Lyndon Amorin-Woods (2018)


Peer reviewed publications

Publication Output

(as of October 2023)

• 39 peer-reviewed papers (21 as first author), 3 book chapters (Citations 678, h-index 11, i10-index 15), 4 non-peer-reviewed articles, 17 scientific conference podium presentations, 8 posters at scientific conferences, 7 submissions to statutory authorities and government.


Amorin-Woods LG. A Practice-based Investigation and Study of Attendees at Chiropractic Offices (PIStAChiO): Describing the characteristics of patients presenting to chiropractors in Western Australia – a mixed methods, external pilot study. [Perth Western Australia]: School of Population Health, The University of Western Australia; 2015.

Scientific Literature


  1. Amorin-Woods LG. The Big Chiropractic Network Idea. Pipedream or Inevitable? Journal of Contemporary Chiropractic. 2024;7:1-13.

  2. Hayward WB, Walker T, Amorin-Woods LG. Chiropractors Can Move Beyond the Deficit Discourse Toward a Strengths-Based Approach When Working With Australia’s First Peoples. Chiropractic Journal of Australia. 2024;51(1):2-16.

  3. Keating GM, Hawk C, Amorin-Woods LG.,, Amorin-Woods D, Todd A, O'Neill Bhogal S, et al. Clinical Practice Guideline for Best Practice Management of Pediatric Patients by Chiropractors: Results of a Delphi Consensus Process. Journal of Integrative and Complementary Medicine. 2023; 30(3)1-17.

  4. Johnson CD, Green BN, Agaoglu M, Amorin-Woods, LG., et al., Chiropractic Day 2023: A Report and Qualitative Analysis of How Thought Leaders Celebrate the Present and Envision the Future of Chiropractic. Journal of Chiropractic Humanities. 2023;30:23-45.

  5. Amorin-Woods, LG., Woods, B. L., Parkin-Smith, G., Vindigni, D., Losco, B. E., & Adams, J. (2023). Another Crac? Insights and recommendations from a nationwide survey of the research priorities and perspectives of the Australian chiropractic profession. J Contemporary Chiropractic 6, 172-184.

  6. Amorin-Woods, LG., Woods, B. L. (2023). It is Time to Update Australian Clinical Care Standards and Practice Recommendations for Management of Spinal pain: A Commentary. Chiropractic Journal of Australia, 50(1), 83-97. Retrieved from

  7. Amorin-Woods LG, Woods BL, Mullings BL, Vindigni D, Losco BE. Suggestions for future research from the Australian chiropractic profession: qualitative results of a nationwide survey of academics and practitioners. J Manip Phys Therap. 2023; 46:1-16.

  8. Keating GM, Amorin-Woods LG., Commentary on the 2019 Safer Care Victoria review of chiropractic spinal manipulation of children under 12 years. Chir J Aust [Commentary]. 2023;50(1):1-28.

  9. Moore KM, Amorin-Woods D, Amorin-Woods LG, Vindigni D, Haworth NG. A cross-sectional study of Australian chiropractors' and students' readiness to identify and support patients experiencing intimate partner violence. Journal of Chiropractic Education. 2023 [cited 2/14/2023].

  10. Amorin-Woods LG, Parkin-Smith GF, Woods BL, Adams J. Show Me The Money! Personal perspectives, capacity and research funding within the Australian chiropractic profession: results of a nationwide survey. Journal of Contemporary Chiropractic. 2022;5:114-130.

  11. Amorin-Woods LG, Woods BL, Moore CS, Leach MJ, Kawchuk GN, Adams J. Research priorities of the Australian chiropractic profession: a cross-sectional survey of academics and practitioners. J Manip Phys Therap. 2022;00:1-17.

  12. Amorin-Woods LG, Gonzales HM, Amorin-Woods D, Losco BE, Skeffingfton P. Online or onsite? Comparison of the relative merit of delivery format of Aboriginal Cultural-Awareness-Training (CAT) to undergraduate chiropractic students. Journal for Multicutural Education. 2021; Online ahead of print.

  13. Hawk C, Amorin-Woods LG, Evans MW, et al. The role of chiropractic care in providing health promotion and clinical preventive services for adult patients with musculoskeletal pain: a clinical practice guideline. J Altern Complement Med. 2021; ahead of print.

  14. Shobbrook M, Amorin-Woods LG, Parkin-Smith GF. Mitigating the Opioid Crisis: An Australian perspective on the role of chiropractors (Part 1). Chir J Aust. 2020;47(1):4-17.

  15. Parkin-Smith GF, Amorin-Woods LG, Shobbrook M, Losco BE. Chiropractors and the opioid epidemic - Strategies to mitigate harm and promote evidence-based care (Part 2: summary). Chir J Aust. 2020;47(1):18-28.

  16. Amorin-Woods LG, Woods BL, Moore CS, Leach MJ, Kawchuk GN, Adams J. The Chiropractic Research Priorities in Australia (ChiRPA) project: A study protocol. Adv Integr Med. 2020;7(2):108-17.

  17. Stomski N, Morrison P, Maben J, Amorin-Woods LG, Ardakani E, Théroux J. The adoption of person-centred care in chiropractic practice and its effect on non-specific spinal pain: An observational study. Complement Ther Med 2019;44:56-60.

  18. Amorin-Woods LG., Losco B, Leach MJ. A mixed-method study of chiropractic student clinical-immersion-placements in non-metropolitan Western Australia: influence on student experience, professional attributes and practice destination. J Chiropr Educ.; (2018) DOI:

  19. Amorin-Woods, LG., Moore, C., & Adams, J. (2018). How Does a Practice-Based Research Network Facilitate Evidence-Informed Practice Within the Chiropractic Profession in Australia? A commentary. Chiropr J Aust, 46, 172-185.

  20. Lee MK, Amorin-Woods LG., Cascioli V, Adams J. The use of nutritional guidance within chiropractic patient management: a survey of 333 chiropractors from the ACORN practice-based research network. Chirop Man Ther. 2018;26(1):7.

  21. Amorin-Woods LG., Cascioli V, Parkin-Smith GF. Student Perceptions of a Clinical Placement Within a Therapeutic Community. Chir J Aust. 2017;45(4):269-87.

  22. Adams J, Peng W, Steel A, Lauche R, Moore C, Amorin-Woods LG, et al. A cross-sectional examination of the profile of chiropractors recruited to the Australian Chiropractic Research Network (ACORN): a sustainable resource for future chiropractic research. BMJ Open. 2017;7(9).

  23. Parkin-Smith GF, Davies SJ, Amorin-Woods LG. Looking ahead: chronic spinal pain management. J Pain Res. 2017;10:2089-95.

  24. Adams J, Peng W, Cramer H, Sundberg T, Moore C, Amorin-Woods LG, Sibbritt D, Lauche R. The prevalence, patterns, and predictors of chiropractic use among US adults: Results from the 2012 National Health Interview Survey. Spine. 2017;e-Publish Ahead of Print,_patterns,_and_predictors_of.95563.aspx

  25. Adams J, Lauche R, Peng W, Steel, A., Moore, C., Amorin-Woods, LG., Sibbritt, DA., Workforce survey of Australian chiropractic: the profile and practice features of a nationally representative sample of 2,005 chiropractors. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2017;17(1):14. 

  26. Amorin-Woods LG, Losco BE. ‘PICO-D Management’; a decision-aid for evidence-based chiropractic education and clinical practice. Chirop Man Ther. 2016;24(1):49.

  27. Adams J, Steel A, Moore C, Amorin-Woods LG, Sibbritt D. Establishing the ACORN National Practitioner Database: Strategies to Recruit Practitioners to a National Practice-Based Research Network. J Manip Physiol Ther. 2016;16(S0161-4754(16)30002-1):[Epub ahead of print].

  28. Amorin-Woods LG, Parkin-Smith GF, Nedkoff L, Fisher C. Critique of a practice-based pilot study in chiropractic practices in Western Australia. Chirop Man Ther. 2016;24(1):38.

  29. Amorin-Woods LG, Parkin-Smith GF, Nedkoff L, Fisher C. Outcomes of a pilot study in chiropractic practices in Western Australia. Chirop Man Ther. 2016;24(1):34.

  30. Amorin-Woods LG, Parkin-Smith G, Cascioli V, Kennedy D. Manual care of residents with spinal pain within a therapeutic community. Ther Communities. 2016;37(3).

  31. Amorin-Woods LG. Sophisticated research design in chiropractic and manipulative therapy; “what you learn depends on how you ask.” Part A.  Quantitative research: size does matter. Chir J Aust. June 2016;44(2):85-105.

  32. Amorin-Woods LG. Sophisticated research design in chiropractic and manipulative therapy; “what you learn depends on how you ask.” Part B: Qualitative research; quality vs. quantity. Chir J Aust. June 2016;44(2):106-120.  

  33. Amorin-Woods LG. Sophisticated research design in chiropractic and manipulative therapy; what you learn depends on how you ask. Part C:  Mixed Methods: “why can’t science and chiropractic just be friends?”. Chir J Aust. June 2016;44(2):121-141.

  34. Parkin-Smith G, Amorin-Woods LG, Davies S, Losco B, Adams J. Spinal pain: current understanding, trends, and the future of care. J Pain Res. 2015;8:741-752. 

  35. Amorin-Woods LG, Nedkoff L, Parkin-Smith GF, Fisher C. The Design of A Practice-based Study of Attendees at Chiropractic Offices in Western Australia. Br J Med Med Res. 2015 -(01-10 February);5(4):539-56.

  36. Amorin-Woods LG, Beck RW, Parkin-Smith GF, Lougheed J, Bremner AP. Adherence to clinical practice guidelines among three primary contact professions: a best evidence synthesis of the literature for the management of acute and subacute low back pain. J Can Chiropr Assoc 2014 (Sept);58(3):220-37. 

  37. Amorin-Woods LG, Parkin-Smith GF., Saboe V, Rosner AL. Recommendations to the Musculoskeletal Health Network, Health Department of Western Australia related to the Spinal Pain Model of Care made on behalf of the Chiropractors Association of Australia (Western Australian Branch). Top Integrative Health Care. June 30 2014;5(2 ):ID: 5.2002.

  38. Carter, CT., Amorin-Woods, LG., and Doss, A., Early adolescent lumbar intervertebral disc injury: a case study, Chiropractic & Manual Therapies 2013, 21(1):13 (doi:10.1186/2045-709X-21-13) Published 28th April 2013 

  39. Amorin-Woods, LG., Parkin-Smith, GF. Clinical decision-making to facilitate appropriate patient management in chiropractic practice: 'the 3-questions model'.  Chiropractic & Manual Therapies 2012, 20:6 (doi:10.1186/2045-709X-20-6) Published: 14 March 2012

Book Chapters

  1.  Kleynhans AM: Foreword to Chiropractic Identity-Building; Approaches to better patient care. Whittlesea: ITM Press Institute of Therapeutic Manipulation; 2019.

  2. Evans M, Evans C, Amorin-Woods LG, Cunliffe C, Poliowski J. Typical Chiropractic Practice. In: Hawk C, ed. Careers in Chiropractic Health Care: Exploring a Growing Field. Vol 2. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO; 2017:179-205.

  3. Hatch S, Stastny C, Wilson FJ, Amorin-Woods LG. The Typical Doctor of Chiropractic. In: Hawk C, ed. The Praeger Handbook of Chiropractic Health Care: Evidence-Based Practices. Vol 1. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO; 2017:47-70.

Podium/Workshop Presentations

  1. Keating GM, Amorin-Woods LG., Clinical Practice Guideline for Best Practice Management of Pediatric Patients by Chiropractors: Results of a Delphi Consensus Process. 'Let's Start with the Patient', podium presentation, World Federation of Chiropractic, 17th Biennial World Congress, Gold Coast 2023.

  2. Amorin-Woods LG, Amorin-Woods D. Online or onsite? Comparison of the relative merit of delivery format of Aboriginal cultural-awareness-training to undergraduate chiropractic students. The Female Patient and Women’s Health. Annual conference of the Australian Chiropractors' Association; 2021 (October 23-24); Virtual (Online).

  3. Hawk C, Amorin-Woods LG, Evans MW, et al. The role of chiropractic care in providing health promotion and clinical preventive services for adult patients with musculoskeletal pain. Chiropractic for a new Normal: WFC Biennial Congress 2021; Virtual (Online).

  4. Shobbrook, M., Amorin-Woods, LG, Parkin-Smith, GF., Chiropractors and the Opioid Problem; National Conference Australian Chiropractors Association, MELBOURNE, Australia 2019

  5. Amorin-Woods, LG., Woods, BL., Chiropractic Research Priorities in Australia; preliminary results; National Conference Australian Chiropractors Association, MELBOURNE, Australia 2019

  6. Amorin-Woods, LG., 6th Rural and Remote Health Scientific Symposium “Outback in Front”: 20 Years of Rural and Remote Health Research. National Rural Health Alliance, April 11th 2018 CANBERRA, Australia; “Going Up-North”: Chiropractic undergraduate student clinical immersion placements in regional, rural and remote Western Australia

  7. Amorin-Woods, D., Amorin-Woods, LG., World Congress of International Family Therapy Association, March 2018, Bangkok Thailand; “Working with an integrative systemic approach to health: The WHOLE is greater than the sum of its parts”

  8. Amorin-Woods, LG., National Conference Scientific Symposium; Chiropractors Association of Australia, October 2017 CANBERRA, Australia; Student Perceptions of a Clinical Placement Within a Therapeutic Community

  9. Amorin-Woods, LG., National Conference Scientific Symposium; Chiropractors Association of Australia, 2016 CAIRNS, Australia (Delegates podium prize); “Going Up-North”: Chiropractic undergraduate student clinical immersion placements in regional, rural and remote Western Australia

  10. Amorin-Woods, LG., National Conference Scientific Symposium; Chiropractors Association of Australia, 2016 CAIRNS, Australia Report on University Research Output (Murdoch University).

  11. Amorin-Woods, LG., National Conference Inaugural Scientific Symposium; Chiropractors Association of Australia, 2015 MELBOURNE, Australia; “Manual care of residents with spinal pain within a therapeutic community”

  12. Amorin-Woods, LG., The ACORN PBRN; A model for building a successful PBRN, International Medical University, July 2015, KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia

  13. Amorin-Woods, LG., International Workshop on Clinical Education in Chiropractic, “Going Up-North”: Chiropractic undergraduate student clinical immersion placements in regional, rural and remote Western Australia & Report on University Research Output; Tokyo College of Chiropractic, March 2015, TOKYO, Japan

  14. Amorin-Woods, LG., The Design of a Practice-based Study of Attendees at Chiropractic Offices in Western Australia; ARCCIM Seminar series, 2014, University of Technology, SYDNEY, Australia

  15. Amorin-Woods Lyndon G. An exploratory (pilot) non-randomised controlled trial examining chiropractic care within a therapeutic community in terms of student and patient oriented outcomes.” The Palmerston-Murdoch Pilot Project; P-MPP”. National Development Forum, Chiropractors Association of Australia October 2012; Hobart, Australia 2012.

  16. Amorin-Woods LG. An exploratory (pilot) non-randomised controlled trial examining chiropractic care within a therapeutic community in terms of student and patient oriented outcomes.” The Palmerston-Murdoch Pilot Project; P-MPP”. “No Closed Doors”; National Conference, Australasian Therapeutic Communities Association: FREMANTLE, Australia; June 2011.

  17. Amorin-Woods, LG., “Of Black Swans and Straw Men”, Dynamic Growth 2011 PERTH, Australia


  1. Keating GM, Amorin-Woods LG., Commentary on the 2019 Safer Care Victoria review of chiropractic spinal manipulation of children under 12 years. 'Let's Start with the Patient', Poster, World Federation of Chiropractic, 17th Biennial World Congress, 2023 Gold Coast, Australia.

  2. Shobbrook M, Amorin-Woods LG, Parkin-Smith GF, Australian chiropractors and the opioid problem; a white paper. EPIC2019: Global Opportunities in Spine Care; 2019; Berlin: World Federation of Chiropractic/European Chiropractors Union.

  3. Amorin-Woods LG, Moore C, Woods B, Leach M, Kawchuk G, Adams J, Developing the Chiropractic Research Priorities in Australia (ChiRPA) Study: a study design protocol. EPIC2019: Global Opportunities in Spine Care; March 2019; Berlin: World Federation of Chiropractic/European Chiropractors Union.

  4. Amorin-Woods LG., Cooley J., Jenkins H., Downie A., A Descriptive Analysis of Diagnostic Imaging Utilisation For Older Patients Presenting to a University Chiropractic Clinic, Poster presented at National Conference Scientific Symposium; Chiropractors Association of Australia, 2016 CAIRNS, Australia

  5. Amorin-Woods LG, Parkin-Smith GF, Nedkoff L, Fisher C. Critique of a practice-based pilot study in chiropractic practices in Western Australia. National Conference Inaugural Scientific Symposium; Chiropractors Association of Australia, 2015 MELBOURNE, Australia

  6. Amorin-Woods LG., Parkin-Smith G., Cascioli V., Kennedy D. An exploratory (pilot) non-randomised controlled trial examining chiropractic care within a therapeutic community in terms of student and patient oriented outcomes.” The Palmerston-Murdoch Pilot Project; P-MPP”. ACTRN12611001100987. (Accepted) World Federation of Chiropractic’s 12th Biennial Congress, Durban, April 10-13, 2013.

  7. Amorin-Woods LG., Parkin-Smith G., Cascioli V., Kennedy D. An exploratory (pilot) non-randomised controlled trial examining chiropractic care within a therapeutic community in terms of student and patient oriented outcomes.” The Palmerston-Murdoch Pilot Project; P-MPP”. ACTRN12611001100987 WA Health Department AOD conference “Making it Happen: Improving Services through Collaboration”. August 6-8 2012, Perth Western Australia.

  8. Amorin-Woods LG., Parkin-Smith G., Cascioli V., Kennedy D. An exploratory (pilot) non-randomised controlled trial examining chiropractic care within a therapeutic community in terms of student and patient oriented outcomes.” The Palmerston-Murdoch Pilot Project”. ACTRN12611001100987. Australasian Therapeutic Communities Association Symposium 2012: “Stigma, and other Barriers to Treatment”. 27th - 30th August 2012, Launceston, TASMANIA.

Non-peer reviewed articles

  1. Amorin-Woods, LG., Palmerston-Murdoch Project at WA Drug & Alcohol Conference ,The Australian Chiropractor, Official Publication of the CAA; October 2012

  2. Amorin-Woods, LG., How hard is it? Evidence-Based management of spinal pain in WA ,The Pisiform, Official publication of CAA(WA); May 2012

  3. Amorin-Woods, LG., Report on Palmerston-Murdoch Project ,The Australian Chiropractor, Official Publication of the CAA; August 2011

  4. Amorin-Woods, LG., ‘Things are never as good as they seem or as bad as they seem’, Report on implementation of PCEMR’s in Australia, The Pisiform; June 2010


  1. Amorin-Woods, LG., Tan, Jon S., September 2013 Submission to the Heads of Workers’ Compensation Authorities (HWCA) Australia and New Zealand Inclusion of Chiropractors as Workplace Rehabilitation Consultants, Representing Chiropractors Association of Australia [WA Branch].

  2. Amorin-Woods, LG., July 2013 Recommendations to the Musculoskeletal Health Network (WA) Health Department Government of Western Australia related to the Spinal Pain Model of Care made on behalf of Chiropractors Association of Australia (Western Australia)

  3. Amorin-Woods, LG., August 2012, Service model for community-based musculoskeletal health in Western Australia, Musculoskeletal Health Network, Health WA

  4. Amorin-Woods, LG., August 2012, WorkCover WA Annual Indexation of Medical and Allied Health Fees